What is rota-fabu?
The idea for this site started in 2021. As a car enthusiast, I have spoken to a lot of people about their cars. Many people had an interesting back story of why they bought or did mods to their car. In one of those moments, the idea came into mind. Why not make a platform for these kinds of stories. Rota-fabu is an abbreviation for rota fabulis, which means wheel stories in Latin. All the exciting stories now have a platform to seek the world.
Creation of content
What content can you expect to find on this site? As stated above, most content will be about the interesting backstories of the cars. But there will also be other content—beautiful roads, project cars, history of icons. And more ideas are too many to name. I will finish a season containing five episodes and then release them each week when its finished. Because this is a hobby project, I cannot promise the duration of filming a season. I value quality more than quantity. If I have sparked your interest, stay tuned on the socials for updates.
The future of RF
What are the long-term plans for this site? By now, it should be clear what I'm going to upload on this website. This is a hobby project for me. I will try to do my best for new stories. But I cannot promise an upload schedule. Maybe It can be more than just a hobby in the future, but time will tell if it will be like that. But for now, enjoy the stories!